Seeing God work

Have you ever felt like you’re not seeing God at work? Feeling discouraged that you don’t seem to hear from Him (like other people do!) or wondering if He has bypassed you, set you on a shelf? Doubts and all sorts of other negative feelings can start to invade. A tsunami of undesirable emotions. And then numbness sets in. You find yourself just going through the motions. Not experiencing authentic joy or worship or love for anyone, including God.

Not a good place to be. We certainly don’t want to stay there!

Recently I found myself in this type of desert. I realized it was more than tiredness because it was prolonged. Couldn’t shake it. The main theme I was experiencing was feeling like I was not hearing from God, that I could not see Him at work in MY life.

So I did the best thing to do in times like these - I talked with Him about it!

First, I asked Him to search my heart and reveal any sin that was blocking our relationship. I read Psalm 139:23,24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

And I waited. I sat quietly and, as best I could, focused on Who God is. I immersed my thoughts in the character of God - particularly His holiness and His infinitude. I just waited.

I am gonna be honest with you - I didn’t hear Him reveal any particular sin (Now, be sure to know I am NOT saying that I am sinless!!! Just that I didn’t hear Him address anything specific at that time. But just because I know I am never ever perfect, I confessed weaknesses that usually beset me like pride, putting my security in things other than God, and selfishness.)

And I waited. I felt directed to John 6 and I focused for a few minutes on some verses towards the end. But then my attention was drawn to verse 29 in particular. I read vs. 28 as well, just for context.

Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.

Y’all. It was profound.

These verses are from a time when people were seeking Jesus and asking Him to perform signs and wonders. Jesus had already performed many incredible miracles and they clamored for more, particularly to be fed again like He had done twice before with the loaves and fishes. In their quest for what seemed spectacular to them, they were missing the greatest miracle of all - the work of God to give faith in Jesus.

This truly spoke to me and encouraged my heart tremendously. In my “numbness”, I was missing the incredible work of God - that He has given me the ability to believe in the One He sent to save me from my sin. I was taking faith for granted! And missing the point of all of Scripture - to believe in Jesus.

So simple, yes. But so profound. I don’t know if this will speak to you as it did to me but if you are in a dry place right now, ask God to help you see the great work He is doing in giving us faith to believe in Jesus.

And if you want to talk further, please reach out to me I’d love to chat. <3