this week and next I am reposting a couple of posts that generated a lot of feedback - thinking that lots of us have let some moments define us….
Read moreGood Night, Daddy
This week I will quietly observe my dear Daddy’s birthday. He hasn’t been here for 9 years to celebrate with me. I still miss him alot so I am reposting the piece I wrote when he moved to Heaven….
Read moreIn the spirit of Valentine's Day...
It’s a familiar passage,I Corinthians 13:4-7. Most of us had it read at our own wedding and maybe even hung a picture of these words on the wall of our babies’ nursery. Nothing wrong with that! But a long read of the first verse recently caused me to examine how well I live it out….
Read moreSeeing God work
This is where I’ve been lately. Maybe it’s true for you, too…
Read morePraying with a plan
Following up on last week’s post about praying. “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17) can feel daunting, no matter how inspired and well-intentioned we are.
I’d like to share some simple things that have helped me. Maybe these ideas will spark some ideas of your own. I’d love to hear about those so please share!
First, I don’t pray about everything every day. I designate certain topics for different days. Not that I am prohibited from talking to the Lord about anything anytime but just knowing I have a plan for praying helps make things feel more manageable for me.
Here’s mine -
Mondays - government and all who are in authority - based on I Timothy 2:1-4. I try to know the names of elected officials and pray for them specifically. To be sure, there are plenty that I pray for in obscurity :) but it helps me focus to pray these folks by name. This day also finds me praying for our country in general (usually asking God to grant the gift of repentance!) and for wisdom, courage, and righteousness for our leaders.
Tuesdays - family finances. (Matthew 6:11). I pray for specific financial needs, for wisdom in our spending, for opportunities to give, and for God to bless our income. Keeping record of these requests and God’s answers is a great faith-builder!!
Wednesdays - my church. Although I often include needs from other local churches, this day’s prayer time is primarily focused on my personal church - leadership, her people, ministry opportunities, etc.
Thursdays - this is the day I remember to intercede for those who have yet to come to a saving knowledge of Christ. We all have folks on this list (at least in our heads) and this helps me remember to keep praying. Often I “wander” prayerfully into praying for unreached people groups and my friends on the mission field.
Fridays - Fridays are for friends! This list is where I record things my friends have asked me to pray for. Having a place to write them down helps me not forget their needs.
Saturdays - this is the place where I pray for the ministries that my family and I are involved in. Those vary from time to time but there are a few that are constants on this list :)
Sundays - extended family. <3
Every day I approach the Throne of grace for my little tribe and their needs (often many times during the day!) and I try to write those down as well. Not a perfect system and I want to be very clear that I often miss praying for these subjects or even altogether lots of days! But having a plan helps me get more praying done and that strengthens my faith.
I recently read a post from Desiring God where the suggestion to have a plan for praises was made. I have not had a plan for praises but for the past few weeks I have been focusing on the attributes of God - that has been rich in my prayer life and I like the idea of having a plan for praises, too.
Here’s what the DG post said about praises:
It can be helpful to develop a system for praises as well as petitions. Matthew Henry (1662–1714) developed one such method for praise. With several prayers drawn from Scripture under each point of the outline, Henry proposed the following fifteen points for praise (Complete Works, 2:4–12):
Address God as the infinitely great and glorious Being.
Reverently adore God as transcendently bright and blessed in all his attributes.
Give God the praise of his glory in heaven.
Give God glory as Creator, Protector, Benefactor, and Ruler.
Give honor to the three distinct persons of the Godhead.
Acknowledge your dependence upon God and your obligation to him as your Creator.
Declare God to be your covenant God who owns you.
Acknowledge the inestimable favor of being invited to draw near to God.
Express your unworthiness to draw near to God.
Profess your desire for God as your happiness.
Profess your hope and trust in God’s all-sufficiency.
Ask God to graciously accept you and your poor prayers.
Pray for the assistance of the Holy Spirit in your prayers.
Make the glory of God the highest goal of your prayers.
Profess your reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Adopting Henry’s method (or something similar) would give remarkable depth and variety to our prayers of praise, delivering them from bland repetition and thoughtless irreverence.
LMK about your prayer plans! Pray on, sisters, pray on!