Reading notes - week 48


This book of prophecy is unlike any of the others. It is inextricably linked to the author’s personal life. Following God’s command, the prophet Hosea married Gomer. (gotta love the name! Unlike the TV character this might remind us of, this person was a lovely and desirable woman!!) From this union, came three children…and great heartbreak for Hosea. In His command to marry her, God describes Gomer as “a wife of harlotry”. It was this very unfaithfulness that God used to convey specific messages to the people of Israel.

  1. Even though Hosea knew Gomer would betray him, he married her, loving her faithfully. A picture of God’s choosing us, in spite of our unfaithfulness.

  2. The book chronicles five cycles of sin, judgment, and restoration. That makes clear the theme that God is faithful to not only judge sin but also draw His people back to Himself. Just as His love for Israel shines through their idolatry.

  3. The book of Hosea provides an example of God’s love to a people who certainly do not deserve it and it also demonstrates truth for us to apply in our horizontal relationships. Just as Hosea showed love and faithfulness to his undeserving wife, so God exhorts us to walk in forgiveness and restoration towards others.

Hosea sets a mighty high standard, doesn’t he?