Reading notes

I am going to try something new for Wednesday’s Words this year. At least for a little while. I would LOVE your input and feedback. Please :)

Instead of doing a post each week on a different verse, I want to try to engage us in the Bible reading plan. I know not everyone is participating (but perhaps this will whet your appetite to try it!) and it will be a different approach than previous Wednesday’s Words. But let’s give it a try. Together.

The weekly reading plan will go out per usual on Sundays. Then on Wednesday, I will share some brief thoughts on the passages we are currently reading. Not like a regular post but rather some things I haven’t noticed before or interesting info to note. Not a commentary but rather an invitation to engage. What will deeply enhance this is for each of you to add your thoughts to the blog each week. On any reading day.

The goal of all Bible reading is not to gain information but rather to cultivate an intimate relationship with The Author. And connecting with the text - and with one another - can help us achieve that.

I am EXCITED about sharing His Word with you this year!