The Tongue

She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:26

My friend Irene taught about this verse in our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible study last week. Her message was chock full of powerful lessons. My hand hurt from taking notes so intensely!

I can't do her lesson justice (from my chicken scratch notes) but I want to share the lines from her teaching that got imprinted on my heart...

1. The reason the P31 woman speaks with wisdom and kindness is found in vs 25 - Strength and dignity are her clothing,And she smiles at the future.   
We can't give what we don't have; therefore, we need to clothe ourselves with humility (I Peter 5:5).  Strength. Dignity. Confidence in God's goodness.

2. Unhelpful conversation breed quarrels.  We should ask ourselves "Is this going to hinder or advance the Gospel?".  That includes posts on social media...
Irene quoted Robbie, one of our pastors at WFBC - "The Gospel is offensive. Nothing else should be."

3. When a difficult situation arises (as in, I am tempted to "stand up for my rights" or point out someone's error) I need to listen to the still quiet voice in my spirit.  Is He saying "This can't be your mission"?

Irene was a vessel of Divine wisdom and grace last week. If you know her, ask for her notes.