Talking to myself

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Cross references:

  1. Psalm 19:14 : See Ps. 18:2

  2. Psalm 19:14 : See Job 19:25

Psalm 19:14
The first thing I note about this verse is the connection between the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart. Same concept as in Matthew 12:34,35 -For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. What I think on is what I will eventually act on - in word and in deed. So I am motivated to store up in my heart good things! Here are some ways I've thought about that we can store up well as some ways we store up evil - Let's begin with some of the obvious - 1. Reading, studying, memorizing Scripture 2. Avoiding evil books, media, etc 3. Music that encourages and inspires All good suggestions. And the converse of these are ways that store up evil in hearts. But there is something else there ... something that may not be as obvious. The thoughts we have about God, others, and ourselves. The "conversations" we have in our heads. Assumptions or judgments we make and then build our own version of truth upon. Actions we observe, words that are spoken to us, principles we choose to believe. There is a running "dialogue" inside each one of us that speaks truth or lies, life or death, into our hearts all day long. These words - either good or bad - are stored up in our hearts and then flow out through our mouths. And they even become a filter through which we interpret all that goes on around us. Which leads to more assumptions and judgments and individualized versions of truth.

James tells us that the tongue is like the rudder on a ship, directing the course of life. Not just the lives of others but our very own life. And I believe that this applies to not only the words that roll off our tongues but also the words that roll around in our heads. Take a moment and listen to your own thoughts. Thoughts about God. Thoughts about others. Thoughts about ourselves. Are they true? Or speculative? Are they good? Or self-serving? Are they accurate? Or distorted by false assumptions? Like the psalmist, may we desire that the meditations of our hearts would be acceptable in God's sight. And then, so will our words.

And then so will our actions. Amen.

Oh, one more thing. Celebrating today. If you happen to know anyone that claims to be an atheist, be sure and tell them "Happy Atheist's Day".
Today is April Fool's Day....and Psalm 14:1 tells us that The fool says in his heart 'there is no God'

Hope you have lots of fun today!