Less is More - Declutter

If you have a perfectly organized and clutter-free home, this post does not apply to you.  So fee free to skip it.  And message me privately -- I need your expertise!

For the rest of us, this idea can be applied repeatedly. In numerous places.  On an ongoing basis.  Should  be.

One of the greatest steps towards living with less is to recognize where you have excess.  And then to get rid of it.  (and then not to replace it....but that's another post....) 

Go into your den (or living room or family room or whatever name you call the place with the couch and TV).  Take two plastic grocery bags with you.  Find at least 15 things that you can give away or throw away.  (Giveaways in one bag, throwaways in the other).  You can even count individual pieces of paper  (this time!).  Get rid of it.  Put the throwaway bag in the trash.  Duh.  Put the giveaway bag in your car and promise me you will take it to Goodwill or somewhere out of your home.  Transferring stuff from one child's room to the other does not qualify as cleaning up.  That is transferring.  'Nuff said.

This will take you less than 10 minutes and I hope you enjoyed yourself because I plan to repeat this activity a few more times. 

Less clutter means more sanity!  I promise!!!

One final note.  And sort of a preview for tomorrow's post.  I think that learning to spend less has more to do with our "want to" than our "know how".  More than ever before, the resources for knowing ways to cut costs are available to us literally at the tip of our fingers.  If we really want to spend less, we can.  Just a little motivation to finish the task for today.  And the remainder of this month.  And the rest of your life....