Introducing...Less is More - 31 Days towards living with less

Less is More.  31 Days towards living with less.

We just finished Christmas.  I clearly hear a collective sigh of relief.  At least until the bills come in!  Most of us probably received a lot of "stuff" that we don't need, "stuff" that purposes to derail our attempts to declutter our homes...and lives.  And many of us gave some stuff that creates the same chaos in someone else's home!

January is such a great time to focus our attention and energy on a new start.  Lose weight, exercise regularly, clean up messes, get organized.  These are good ideas but resolutions aren't what I have in mind for us this month.  Instead, let's look at specific ways to get rid of our excess (in lots of different areas) , loosen the stranglehold that materialism has on our hearts, and set the example of contentment with less instead of more. 

Each day, I will post an idea of living with less.  Getting rid of clutter.  Recipes.  Tips on money and time management.  Thoughts on encouraging contentment in our kids.  I hope this will be an exchange of ideas - in other words, please share yours with me! 

We probably won't solve world hunger by January 31.  We may not even solve the hunger for more in our own hearts.  But, maybe we'll take a step in the right direction.  Maybe February will see us with less.  Less of what isn't necessary.  And more of what makes life worthwhile!

Oh, and if you want to get these daily, you need to subscribe.  I won't be posting daily tips on facebook.