Happy Birthday, Katie!

Thirty years ago today, I pushed my way into the sacred land of Motherhood. Literally. Water broke at midnight and 12 looooooooong hours later - including 4 hours of pushing (given the malpractice landscape of obstetrics today, that would no longer be an option!) - the world became a better place.Katie Alice Chambers was born.

My life changed in ways I never imagined...no one told me that, from that day forward, my heart would walk around outside my body. I would never ever read a tragic news story in the same way....because I would feel the pain of those involved now. Truly feel it. No birthing class prepared me for what it was like to take the product of that process home. Every bruise was surely leukemia and every headache, a brain tumor. Then there were the emotional maladies!! One cannot begin to imagine the fury inside the heart of a Mom whose child has been mistreated. The anxiety of waiting to find out if your child is "in"....the playground game, the birthday party, the nursery school, the team, the circle...always. The doubt and confusion of figuring out what a Mom is supposed to do. (Good grief, there are so many different opinions!!!) The unbridled pride you feel when your child wins...the race, the award, the mastery of some skill - no matter what that is. The amazed joy that God chose you to parent this kid. Wow. God's undeserved gifts.

And now she's a grown-up. My task is pretty much done. Now I get to enjoy the fruit of my labor....and God's grace. She's married, an extremely well educated SAHM and quite a fabulous one, if I do say so myself! But to me, she'll forever be the one that made me a Mom. My firstborn. The one I practiced on...the one that had to absorb most of my mistakes. A role model to scores of women…including me. The one that God gave to me on 12-12-88. God's undeserved gifts.

You're always Princess to me. Practically perfect. I love you. I am so proud of the woman God has grown you into that I could burst. I love being your friend. And your Mom. Happy Birthday.