Finishing well

I have learned something about myself.

I am better at starting than finishing.

Lots of ideas generate in my head. I get excited about them, passionate even. I plan and usually begin to execute.

Then I fade. I get discouraged or uninterested or distracted. Or just plain lazy.

And too many times I abandon the project/goal/new idea.

Sometimes, though, I press on. Slogging away to be a finisher and not a quitter. Often I experience renewed enthusiasm but much of the time, I am just glad when I have completed the task.

As I pondered this insight into my psyche ( LOL), i thought about how much Scripture talks about finishing well. Seems like way more emphasis is placed on finishing instead of exciting beginnings. There are plenty more verses than these below but here are some that caught my attention:

Acts 20:24

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

.1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

Philippians 3:14

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

2 John 1:8

Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.

God tells us that HE is faithful to finish what He starts! Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

And my current favorite: Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

So what are we to do with all this? Maybe it’s just me but if you need some focus, too, here is where I am landing -

Finishing matters. It’s a matter of faithfulness and it matters. Starting is great (so very thankful for the visionaries and the dreamers) but finishing is what ultimately matters. Maybe for lots of reasons but one of the main ones has to be because it models the faithfulness of God. He finishes what He starts. He is faithful to do all He has promised. He doesn’t just get excited and have a great idea - HE FINISHES.

So I need to, too.

Where is the key to finishing? First, acknowledging that it is important. That it matters. Next, looking to HIS faithfulness and desiring to model it. Such a great reminder to set before my eyes - HIS faithfulness! So encouraging, so motivating, so very helpful.

Last key I see is found in that passage in Ecclesiastes. The end is better than the beginning. Better to be patient than proud. Patient. Not proud. What is that telling me? That finishing requires humility. Perseverance is not something that will come naturally. Finishing well will not be a result of my human effort; God is not looking for me to grit my teeth to get through. Rather, what He requires is for me to acknowledge not only the importance of finishing well but especially my inability to do so in my flesh. I NEED HIM. He seems to be saying in this verse that He wants us to look to Him, to wait for Him, to depend on Him. And His grace will see us through….HE will complete what He has begun!

That green-eyed monster


And the patriarchs became jealous of Joseph and sold him into Egypt  Acts 7:9

This verse in the New Testament book of Acts is part of a chapter recapping history from the Old Testament.  In particular, this verse refers to the story of Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob, who was a victim of jealousy.  Really intense jealousy.

He patiently endured the life-altering attacks brought on by the green-eyed monster and God granted him great favor.  The end of his story is gloriously beautiful and we love to see the triumph God brought about.

But the subject of this post is not so much how to be like Joseph but rather it explores how to avoid being like his jealous brothers.  I don't have three easy steps to snap us out of this noxious - but very common - vice, but I do have some things for us to consider.

1 - Realize the potential destruction 

The price of envy/jealousy is scandalously high. Scripture relates to us results of murder (Cain and Abel) , and slavery (Joseph and his brothers).    On smaller scales all around us we see the fruits of jealousy in gossip, destructive criticism, assaults on the character and/or careers of others. Lives have been permanently altered as a result of someone else's jealousy.  And not just in the movies.  

It is also significant to realize that the destructive fallout from jealousy is not all external. When we allow the jealousy to take root in our hearts and inflict damage on others, it changes us. Not for the better. It makes us bitter and insecure and hateful. And even though we might convince ourselves otherwise, we deceive no one but ourselves.  The green-eyed monster within us is apparent to everyone watching.

My husband often explained jealousy and resulting attacks on others this way to our children - all the trees in the forest want to be tall. If a tree isn't tall but it wants to look tall, it has two choices: either grow tall itself or cut down all the other trees in the forest so it can at least look tall.

Step #1 - realize the potential destruction that jealousy will inevitably bring.  Let it sober us up and scare us into doing something about it.

2 - Recognize personal weakness

When is the last time you heard a sermon on jealousy?  Or when was this the "struggle" shared in your small group? Uhhhhh, if you're like most of us, probably never. Envy/jealousy are hardly ever discussed and consequently we are not likely to recognize how susceptible we are to its onslaught. More than likely, this is the most common "struggle" of all for all of us.

In some cases, (as with Joseph's brothers!), it is understandable. But we must not ever accept that it's ok to feel this way.  Even if our circumstances are not "fair", we must realize the potential for destruction that jealousy holds (see #1!) , recognize that we are wired to fall prey to it, and resolve not to allow it to take root in our lives.

Allowing ourselves to remain in the place of jealousy is to rob ourselves of the gift of contentment.  It is actually placing ourselves in the place of God, deciding what we "deserve" and determining what is best for us. The level of danger this puts us in cannot be overstated. 

Recognize our personal susceptibility to it and resolve not to let it remain.

So, how to get rid of it?

3- Report it.

Yep, report it.  Maybe not "to the authorities" (who are the "envy police", anyway??) but to THE Authority.  Confess to The One who can help you, The Only One who can do something about the problem. (Not that He doesn't already know what's lurking in our hearts - He doesn't "need to be told"; rather we need to tell it! ) Reporting this offense to our Merciful Judge releases its grip on our souls. What might have happened if Joseph's brothers had prayed about their jealous hearts, instead of discussing among themselves their resentment towards the favored one? The Bible doesn't tell us if they did so the implication is that they did not. And look what happened - they were left to themselves to solve the problem...and wretched, long-lasting heartache occurred.  For everyone involved, including themselves.

Reporting our sin to our Father is critical, but there is another part of reporting that is equally powerful in loosening our hearts from the grip of the green-eyed monster.  Report it to others.


Am I saying to rat on ourselves?


Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed, James tells us.  Powerful potential unleashed in humbling ourselves to confess to a friend - or even the one we are jealous of! When we do that, God pours out His grace upon us.  Grace to uproot the jealous vine strangling the heart. Grace to press in to the goodness of the Lord and trust in His plan. Grace to cultivate contentment and gratitude and generosity.

Instead of sharing criticisms - cutting down the other trees, if you will - what might have happened in Joseph's life if his brothers had humbled themselves and approached their dad (or even Joseph!) with their insecurities? We might have recorded in Scripture a glorious victory instead of years of estrangement and heartache.

Realize the potential for destruction that jealousy brings. Recognize our own personal weakness for it. Report this to our Father and our spiritual family.

And, finally, 

4- Let God Redeem it

Redemption. That beautiful, miraculous, incredible story of how our great God takes the broken, useless, even toxic pieces and so change them by His grace into beauty, glory, and value. 

Redemption.  That is His theme. Redemption. He wants all the parts of our lives to be part of His story of Redemption.

If we let Him, if we trust Him, He will remove the ugly of jealousy and create instead the beauty of contentment.

How does He do that?

If you're the victim of jealousy, remain faithful. Trust Him to redeem even the hard and unfair things of life. Forgive, and do not retaliate. Be a Joseph - submit yourself to the loving sovereignty of God - Gen 50:20 - at the end of the story, he told his brothers "You meant evil towards me, but God meant it for good."  Because Joseph trusted God in the unfair, hard, and hurtful places, God blessed not only him, not only his family, but an entire nation.

Joseph let God redeem the results of jealousy.

if you're the perpetrator of jealousy, throw yourself on the mercy of God, confessing your sin, and trust Him to redeem. In the story of Joseph, we see his brothers admitting their guilt (Gen. 42:21) and God redeemed them, too. Because of their eventual trust in Him (and especially because of His prior promise to Abraham and Issac and Jacob!) God blessed even these once-jealous brothers. They let God redeem their story.

How do we let God do the redeeming?  

Humble ourselves before Him. (see #3).  Place our confidence in His love that is sovereign over all (see Genesis 50:20). Obey what He shows us to do, however big or small that may be. Don't wait for something "big" to obey - walk in obedience in the things we already know to do. Trust Him with the results. One very practical thing that has helped me gain victory over jealousy is to celebrate the person I am or am tempted to be jealous of. That's right. Celebrate their promotion or their new house or their new blessing - especially if it's something you long for yourself. This serves to not only neutralize the poison of jealousy but actually jumpstarts the redemption process in our lives!  Because it is walking by faith, living out our trust in the goodness of God as He unfolds His plan, exercising contentment in what He purposes for us.

Redemption.  God's choice over jealousy.

Next time that green-eyed monster hulks up inside your heart, remember to realize the potential for destruction. Recognize your weakness against it. Report the problem to The One who wants to Redeem it.

What does it mean to "fear God"?

“Fear God”. How much time do we spend thinking about “fearing God”? Do we even understand what it means?

I have heard it explained as reverence, as a fear of displeasing Him. Even that it is just an Old Testament concept! I think all these attempts fall short and I’d like us to explore it today.

“Fear God” does indeed appear numerous times in the Old Testament. Such as Deuteronomy 4:10 - Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when the Lord said to me ‘Assemble the people to Me, that I may let them hear My words, so they may learn to fear Me, all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children. Contextually, this verse is God instructing Moses to remind the people of the day they stood at the base of Mount Horeb and Moses received the Law (the Ten Commandments) and God displayed His unrivaled glory in a terrifying display of fire and darkness (Exodus 34). The people rightly responded in awe and trembling and humility to enter into covenant with the Everlasting Almighty God. God is saying here in Deuteronomy “remember how you felt that day about My power - and let that knowledge dictate how you live!”

Many other times in the Old Testament, God exhorts those who profess to follow Him that they should fear Him. Not only in the giving of the Law - which serves to show us His holiness - but also throughout even in books of prophecy like Jeremiah, where God promises the NEW Covenant of grace and faith - And they shall be My people and I will be their God; and I will give them one heart and one way that they may FEAR Me always for their own good and for the good of their children after them. (Jeremiah 32:38,39)

Furthermore, the theme of “fearing God” continues in the New Testament, where we customarily think of grace reigning. In the book of Acts (9:31) we read this description of the newly birthed church: So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up and going on IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase.

2 Corinthians 5:11 demonstrates fear as the motivation for evangelism (Therefore knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men). Many passages refer to the negative repercussions of those failing to fear God (Luke 18:2, Romans 3:18, and Revelation 15:4 to name a few) while many others instruct us Christ-followers to be sure and fear Him - I Peter 2:17, Matthew 10:28 and Luke 12:5, and Revelation 14:7 which says and he said with a loud voice, "Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.,

The command and its ensuing benefits to fearing God are indeed pervasive through all of Scripture. What, then, does it mean?

Is it reverence? Is it a desire to please Him? While fearing God includes those descriptions, I think they fall short of helping us understand what God means when He says we are to fear Him.

FEAR means FEAR!

I know someone is protesting right now - but I John 4 tells us that there is no fear in love! That perfect love casts out fear and the one who fears is not established in love! Yes, it most certainly does. But that passage is not contradicting His command for us to fear Him. Fearing God means that we live in an awareness of His glory, His power, His holiness - and our complete unworthiness apart from Christ. Fearing Him means acknowledging that He has the right and the authority to punish us and withhold His presence from us forever…and yet He has provided a way for us to know Him, to commune with Him and enjoy Him for Eternity. The response to His character is to marvel that He would allow us a means to fellowship with Him and to love His matchless beauty and grace…and to press closer to Him which means running away from all that is contrary to Him. Fearing God means I know my fallibility and I know I am capable of falling away…and yet I rest secure in the knowledge that it is HE who keeps me!

Think about the most terrifying roller coaster you have ever ridden. You knew it would be scary - frightening beyond description - and yet you subject yourself to the thrill of the ride…protected by the harness that keeps you from falling. You “fear” that roller coaster and yet you do not shy away from it - rather you are attracted to its terror!

John Piper explains it this way: So I picture myself climbing in the mountains, say the Himalayas. And I’m on these massive rock faces, and I see a storm coming. It is going to be a massive storm, and I feel unbelievably vulnerable on these mountain precipices. And so, I am desperately looking for a little covert in the rock where I won’t be blown off the side of the cliff to destruction. And I find a hole in the side of the mountain, and I spin quickly, and suddenly the holiness, and justice, and power, and wrath, and judgment of God breaks over me like a hurricane, but I know I am totally safe, which means all that horrible danger is transposed into the music of majesty, and I can enjoy it rather than fearing it. And I think that is what the cross is. Jesus died for us to provide a place where we could enjoy the majesty of God with a kind of fear and trembling and reverence and awe, but not a cowering fear.