Week 3 - Advent Season

12/11 - Birth in Bethlehem - Luke 2:1-7

12/12 - Glory to God in the highest - Luke 2:8-14

12/13 - The Shepherds visit the Christ Child - Luke 2:15-20

12/14 - Image of the Invisible God - Colossians 1:15-20

12/15 - Who can endure the day of His coming? - Malachi 3:1-4

12/16 - The blessing of Simeon - Luke 2:25-35

12/17 - The blessing of Anna - Luke 2:26-28

Week 1 Advent Season

Tomorrow begins the Advent season, a time to prepare our hearts for the Reason for the Season. We will have short, daily Scripture readings, each directing our focus to the first time Jesus came to dwell on Earth. In the midst of gift lists and baking projects and holiday parties, may our hearts be filled with peace and joy because we have set our minds on His Word. I hope you will join me!

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The Prophecies about Jesus

Week 10. We have looked at a whole bunch of prophecies about Jesus! But there are so many more. One scholar, J. Barton Payne, has found as many as 574 verses in the Old Testament that somehow point to or describe or reference the coming Messiah. Alfred Edersheim found 456 Old Testament verses referring to the Messiah or His times. Conservatively, Jesus fulfilled at least 300 prophecies in His earthly ministry. What are the odds that He fulfilled them by chance? Well, mathematicians say slim to none….We find that the chance that any man might have lived down to the present time and fulfilled just eight prophecies is 1 in 1017 (1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000).THat is only EIGHT. The probability of one person fulfilling 48 prophecies: 1 in 10 to the 157 power….and that is 48 of the over 300. I don’t even have a frame of reference for the probability for that number, much less all of them!

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